
Yesterday was Lammas (also called Lughnasadh). It is the first harvest festival of the year. While all Sabbats are special, it seems to me that this is one of the least celebrated and discussed. But after saying that, did I celebrate it last night? Nope. August 1st snuck up on me completely. quanta is out of town tonight, in fact I hear his train leaving as I write this. So, tonight I will enjoy a nice dinner of seasonal produce, and preform a small ritual.

This brings me to the point of this entry – Are you a “bad” Wiccan if you don’t celebrate every Sabbat? I don’t think so. Life has a way of getting in the way of things that are important. But as long as you remember your spirituality and your faith, keeping the Lord and Lady with you, then you aren’t “bad.” I think this has the making of a larger essay. 🙂