Blessed Spring Equinox

The Wheel is turning yet again, and we have finally entered the lovely season of Spring. We have had some unseasonably warm weather here in Southern Ontario this year, so it hardly feels like we have even had winter. Nonetheless, I’m happy Spring has finally arrived, and I look forward to warmer days, spring flowers, and the inevitable rain.

I will freely admit that I don’t often celebrate the Sabbats, other than in a very private way. There will be no special meal today, no games or eggs for Baby Man. This is partly because I always forgot until the very day, partly because I’m the only one who cares, and partly because I gave blood today and am in no shape to do much of anything. (I’m happy a pizza made it into the oven tonight and that we didn’t have to resort to take-out.)

I wonder sometimes if I am being untruthful by saying I am Wiccan and yet not really celebrating the Sabbats. But, on reflection, I don’t think I am. There is more to following a spiritual path than celebrating the special days. It is about living the tenants of your faith everyday. Do I succeed in that? Not always, but I do my best.