Well, now that the excitement of finally committing to writing the damn novel has worn off, I have to admit that I’m feeling a bit overwhelmed. There is so much to do before August: plot outline, character sketches, background research, etc. Unfortunately, real life responsibilities and promises are going to get in the way for a little while, but I have started thinking.
I’m pretty sure the basic plot is going to be about inter-dimensional travel, possibly with a time travel thrown in for good measure. (Yes, I hate the whole trope of time travel, but I have an idea. And I did say that the novel was going to be terrible, remember?) I’ve also got an idea for a personal theme to tie things together for the main character. Unfortunately, I haven’t yet figure out who (or what) the main antagonist will be.
My next step is to read [amazon_link id=”1582974845″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]Bullies Bastards, and Bitches[/amazon_link] by Jessica Page Morrell to get an idea of just what sort of villain I might want to have in my novel.
Don’t forget, I’m still looking for sponsors. Even $5 would be helpful. The people behind NaNoWriMo do great work, and are worthy of support.