Each Tarot card, along with the standard name (e.g. The Empress or The Two of Cups), has what is called an Esoteric Title. This is a name for the card that brings together the elemental, zodiacal or planetary attribute of the card with the numerological and suit characteristics. For example, The Empress is associated with the planet of Venus, as well as the goddess of the same name. She is given the esoteric title of “Daughter of the Mighty Ones” to reflect her status. The Two of Cups is given the title of “Love” or “The Lord of Love”, which reflects its associations with feelings (through the suit of Cups) and relationships and balance (through the number 2).
Esoteric titles are useful because they can act as a sort of keyword for you during readings and meditation. They provide a way to work backwards to the associations of the card. The titles also provide some insight into the esoteric and magical uses of the cards, for those inclined to look beyond divination. In divination, The Empress may simply signify fertility and abundance, but as Daughter of the Mighty Ones, she becomes something much deeper and more powerful.
Origin of the Esoteric Titles
The esoteric titles likely first appeared in MacGregor Mather’s Book T1, first distributed sometime around 1890. The titles also appear in Aleister Crowley’s 777, and are clearly the influence for the keywords found on the Thoth Tarot Deck2.
Esoteric Titles3
Major Arcana
Card | Esoteric Title | Rulership |
The Fool | Spirit of Aether | Air |
The Magician | Magus of Power | Mercury |
The High Priestess | Priestess of the Silver Star | The Moon |
The Empress | Daughter of the Mighty Ones | Venus |
The Emperor | Son/Sun of the Morning Chief among the Mighty |
Aries |
The Pope/Hierophant | Magus of the Eternal | Taurus |
The Lovers | Children of the Voice Oracle of the Mighty Gods |
Gemini |
The Chariot | Child of the Powers of the Waters Lord of the Triumph of Light |
Cancer |
Strength | Daughter of the Flaming Sword | Leo |
The Hermit | Prophet of the Eternal Magus of the Voice of Power |
Virgo |
The Wheel of Fortune | Lord of the Forces of Life | Jupiter |
Justice | Daughter of Lords of Truth Ruler of the Balance |
Libra |
Hanged Man | Spirit of the Mighty Waters | Water |
Death | Child of the Great Transformers Lord of the Gate of Death |
Scorpio |
Temperance | Daughter of the Reconcilers Bringer-Forth of Life |
Sagittarius |
The Devil | Lord of the Gates of Matter Child of the Forces of Time |
Capricorn |
The Tower | Lord of the Hosts of the Mighty | Mars |
The Star | Daughter of the Firmament Dweller between the Waters |
Aquarius |
The Moon | Ruler of Flux and Reflux Child of the Sons of the Mighty |
Pisces |
The Sun | Lord of the Fire of the World | The Sun |
Judgement | Spirit of the Primal Fire | Fire |
The World/Universe | The Great One of the Night of Time | Saturn |
Minor Arcana – Suit of Wands
Card | Esoteric Title4 |
Ace | Root of the Powers of Fire |
Two | Dominion |
Three | Established Strength |
Four | Perfected Work |
Five | Strife |
Six | Victory |
Seven | Valour |
Eight | Swiftness |
Nine | Great Strength |
Ten | Oppression |
Page | Princess of the Shining Flame Rose of the Palace of Fire |
Knight | Lord of the Flame and Lightning King of the Spirits of Fire |
Queen | Queen of the Thrones of Flame |
King | Prince of the Chariot of Fire |
Minor Arcana – Suit of Cups
Card | Esoteric Title4 |
Ace | Root of the Powers of Water |
Two | Love |
Three | Abundance |
Four | Blended Pleasure |
Five | Loss in Pleasure |
Six | Pleasure |
Seven | Illusionary Success |
Eight | Abandoned Success |
Nine | Material Happiness |
Ten | Perfected Success |
Page | Princess of the Waters Lotus of the Palace of the Floods |
Knight | Lord of the Waves and the Water King of the Hosts of the Sea |
Queen | Queen of the Thrones of Water |
King | Prince of the Chariot of the Waters |
Minor Arcana – Suit of Swords
Card | Esoteric Title4 |
Ace | Root of the Powers of Air |
Two | Peace Restored |
Three | Sorrow |
Four | Rest from Strife |
Five | Defeat |
Six | Earned Success |
Seven | Unstable Effort |
Eight | Shortened Force |
Nine | Despair and Cruelty |
Ten | Ruin |
Page | Princess of the Rushing Winds Lotus of the Palace of Air |
Knight | Lord of the Winds and the Breezes King of the Spirits of Air |
Queen | Queen of the Thrones of Air |
King | Prince of the Chariot of the Winds |
Minor Arcana – Suit of Pentacles
Card | Esoteric Title4 |
Ace | Root of the Powers of Earth |
Two | Harmonious Change |
Three | Material Works |
Four | Earthly Power |
Five | Material Trouble |
Six | Material Success |
Seven | Success Unfulfilled |
Eight | Prudence |
Nine | Material Gain |
Ten | Wealth |
Page | Princess of the Echoing Hills Rose of the Palace of Earth |
Knight | Lord of the Wild and Fertile Land King of the Spirits of Earth |
Queen | Queen of the Thrones of Earth |
King | Prince of the Chariot of Earth |
1. The authorship of Book T is disputed, but it is generally believed to have been produced, at least in part, by MacGregor Mathers, possibly along with his wife, Moina, and/or other members of the Golden Dawn.
2. Whether Crowley wanted keywords to be printed on this deck is again a matter of debate. I think that he probably didn’t.
3. The eosteric titles presented here are mainly taken from Book T and Emily Peach’s The Tarot Wookbook. They are given in terms of the Rider-Waite-Smith card ordering, with Strength as 8 and Justice as 11.
4. All titles for the Minor Arcana, with the exception of the Aces, are prefaced with “Lord of…”.