While each suit of the Minor Arcana may deal with different aspects of life (see Correspondences), each card, regardless of suit, presents a specific idea. If you are using a deck based on the RWS, pull out all of the sixes or tens, for example, and you will see that they share certain characteristics. Below is a list showing the key ideas of the Minor Arcana cards.
Aces | new beginnings, raw energy, intuition, fresh ideas, new growth |
Twos | balance, duality, manifestation, relationship between two people/events/objects |
Threes | growth, creation, perspective, exploration of ideas/energy |
Fours | stability, material world, logic, order, foundation |
Fives | struggle, strife, balance upset, challenge, disappointment |
Sixes | peace, balance re-established, values, equilibrium |
Sevens | fate, choice, intuition, decision making |
Eights | power, success, control |
Nines | attainment, mastery, control, wisdom |
Tens | perfection, end of cycle, rebirth, finish |