Each day of the week has been assigned many correspondences. Quite honestly I will admit that I don’t know how these correspondences first developed. I’m sure somewhere along the line someone assigned something to one particular day, probably based on a religious observance, and more correspondences were added as time went on. But, as we know, things take hold in the public mind (the collective unconscious), and begin to gain power. Because of this, some people believe that rites and spells should be preformed on the day of the week most in tune with your purpose. This can be taken even further by using the correct planetary hour, which I will cover in another essay.
Planet: Sun
Element: Fire
Sign: Leo
Colour: Yellow, Gold
Rules: Will
Energy: success, power, leadership, confidence
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Sign: Cancer
Colour: White, blue
Rules: Emotion
Energy: protection, intuition, psychicism, divination
Planet: Mars
Element: Fire
Sign: Aries, Scorpio
Colour: Red
Rules: Action
Energy: courage, power, victory, leadership
Planet: Mercury
Element: Air
Sign: Gemini, Virgo
Colour: Blue, silver
Rules: Communication
Energy: creativity, intellect, analysis
Planet: Jupiter
Element: Fire
Sign: Sagittarius, Pisces
Colour: Purple
Rules: Finances
Energy: prosperity, understanding, charity
Planet: Venus
Element: Air
Sign: Taurus, Libra
Colour: Green
Rules: Relationships
Energy: love, friendship, harmony
Planet: Saturn
Element: Earth
Sign: Capricorn
Colour: Blue, dark blue
Rules: Protection
Keywords: bashing, lessons, goals, insights