I have been neglecting my Tarot studies almost completely over the past several months. One project that I was very excited about hasn’t progressed beyond the first page, and even that is still undone. Two weeks ago, though, I picked up the Medieval Enchantment Tarot (previously The Nigel Jackson Tarot) and it has rekindled my interest in the esoteric aspects of the Tarot.
I find myself being seduced by the Tarot’s mystery all over again. This deck seems very ethereal to me, making me want to learn all of its secrets. In some respects I feel a little silly falling under the spell of this deck since I am hardly a Tarot novice. But, then again, it is good to feel inspired again.
I don’t think this deck is “the one”, but it is enough that it has provided me with inspiration. I am very glad to be returning to my Tarot studies.