As any Tarotist will tell you, the search for the perfect deck is endless. I’ve gone through over thirty different decks since I started reading Tarot over fourteen years ago. Some decks have stayed with me for a long time, while others were passed on almost as soon as I had bought them. It can be hard to say what is wrong with a deck; it may have a different set of correspondences then what I am used to, or the illustrations aren’t to my taste, or it just doesn’t feel right. One day, I’d like to create my own prefect deck.
In my deck, a specific colour would dominate each suit. For example, red for Wands/fire, blue for Cups/water, yellow or purple for Swords/air, and green for Pentacles/earth. The season and time of day corresponding to each suit would be clearly shown on the court cards. I would name them Princess, Knight, Queen and King, and show plainly which Zodiac sign was associated with each.
In terms of the format of the deck, it would be slightly smaller than the average Tarot size so that it would be easier for me to shuffle. The backs would be attractive and reversible, but not have a distracting pattern on them; maybe a flower pattern or the like. The illustration side would be borderless, because this makes the picture more open an inviting to me.
I’m pretty certain that I would leave out any references to the Kabalah or Christian mysticism. I would want it to be a Pagan deck, featuring images that relate to the Wheel of the Year and other Wiccan themes.
The only thing really holding me back, besides any concrete ideas for the actual images, is my inability to draw.