Day four of NaBloPoMo, and not all is well here at the Pond. And, conveniently enough, it has something in common with today’s prompt: When you are writing, do you prefer to use a pen or a computer?
This is a harder question than you would think. I love to write on paper with a good pen, but I’m also involved in the never ending search for said good pen. I usually end up frustrated with the smeary ink, or the large size of the tip, or even the colour. I’m desperate to find a fine tipped, ball-point, purple ink pen. (I think roller ball gel pens are the work of the devil.) And, rather than allow my tool to distract me, I end up writing on the computer most of the time.
There are some benefits to writing on the computer, of course. I can easily fix my terrible (and embarrassing) spelling errors very quickly. And, I also type much faster than I write (even with all those corrections). And, of course, it is easy to save and backup my work, and to access it wherever, if I save it on Google Docs or in Dropbox. The downsides are pretty significant though, like not always having access to a computer when I want to write, and the slow degradation of my handwriting due to lack of use.
That said, most of my “serious” writing is done on the computer, and occasionally the iPad, and things like lists and quick notes are done on paper. Of course, given how often I leave my lists at home, I should be making them on the computer/iPhone too.
The way I am torn between new technology and the old fashioned stand-by in my writing is also becoming apparent in my reading too. I have a Kobo Touch, which I really do love. It is much lighter and more compact than the books I normally lug around with me. And, I can carry a huge number of books too, which is great considering I am using reading two or three (or five…) books at a time. But, then again, there is something about the smell of paper, and the feel of a good book in your hands. And, I don’t exactly want to take my Kobo into the tub with me.
Unfortunately, I’ve run into a little problem with my Kobo. The screen randomly becomes unresponsive. After talking to Kobo (very slowly through email), I’ve been told I can mail to back to them, at my expense. If they can replicate my problem (I’m not holding my breath), they will fix it or send me a refurbished one for $60. Really? For a device less than six months old? Firstly, I’ve never had to pay shipping to send an item in for repair. Secondly, there is no way I’m paying $60 to have a six month old device fixed. And given the random nature of my problem, they aren’t likely to be able to duplicate in the short time they will probably give to it anyway. So, unless I hear differently from them, I think I will just hold onto my slightly gimpy Kobo. But when it comes time to buy a new ereader, you can bet I’ll be looking really hard at my other options. It isn’t likely that Kobo will get any more money from me.
I got my sister a Kobo last Christmas. I think it was a WiFi version. She’s had it replaced by Chapters at least once, no questions asked. They even let her upgrade to a Touch (I think she paid the difference).
I have heard that if you take it into a Chapters Store you will get better service than dealing with them via email.