I feel the need to write something tonight, but I’m not sure what. There are two cards sitting on my desk, and they are sort of inspiring me. One of them is The Hermit from the Robin Wood Tarot, and the other is a card from SoulCards 2. Together, they make me think of the search for knowledge and the compassion and understanding one needs to do this correctly. I’m not sure how this applies to my life. I am certainly a seeker, but what am I seeking? How will I know that I have found it? Maybe that’s not so important though. Perhaps it is the journey that is most important. Well, I guess that makes sense, right? But how do you know that you are journeying down the right road, studying the right things?
I think for me I understand this one. 🙂 I have been seeking security lately. I can’t explain it but its just there. Good luck in your journey!