Browsing the archives for the Spirituality category

Increasing Happiness

I’ve been hearing a lot about happiness over the past year or so. I read Gretchen Rubin’s book The Happiness Project and the study that ranked the world’s countries in order of happiness (Canada came in at a respectable number 8, tied with Costa Rica, New Zealand and Israel; the US came in at number […]

Beginning to Understand Suffering

As you may have gathered from some of my previous posts, I’ve been doing some reading about Buddhism. I’ve studied Buddhism in the past, in a limited way through a university course of Japanese religions and also as part of a meditation class I took for about a year before I became pregnant with the […]

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Is Religion a Force for Good?

Recently Ipsos Reid conducted a survey that asked people around the world if they thought religion is a force for good. Admittedly, it is a bit of vague question. My idea of good can be substantially different than your idea of good, just as my idea of what constitutes a religion can be different than […]

Blessed Samhain

May your Samhain be full of family and friends, those here and those that have passed over. May you find solace in their presence, and may you find comfort in with the Lord and Lady. I also wish fun, tricks, and treats for you on this day of joy and sadness.

Summer turning into Fall

We have reached the end of August, and it very clear here that the seasons are getting ready to change. We may be having extremely hot and humid days, but the nights are cooler and there is a hint of fall in the wind. There are some early signs of fall to be seen on […]

Blessed Spring Equinox

The Wheel is turning yet again, and we have finally entered the lovely season of Spring. We have had some unseasonably warm weather here in Southern Ontario this year, so it hardly feels like we have even had winter. Nonetheless, I’m happy Spring has finally arrived, and I look forward to warmer days, spring flowers, […]

Some Thoughts on Happiness

Lately I’ve been reading a lot of books about happiness.  Some talk about the search for happiness, and some say we already have happiness within ourselves.  One says that we can reach happiness by not complaining (I like that one), and another says that learning to let go of things is the way. And one, […]

Wandering from the Path

Somehow over the past year this has changed from a blog about my life and my spiritual pursuits to a blog about my knitting, cross stitch and crochet.  See, the sad thing is I’m not sure I have much in the way of spiritual pursuits any more.  Between watching/changing/playing with/teaching animal sounds to Baby Man, […]


Knitted Meditation

I think I’ve mentioned before that I tend to find myself attached to my hobbies in cycles.  One week, or month, I may find myself all about cross stitch.  And then I’ll start obsessively knitting a sock.  In the good old days before Baby Man came along, I would also obsess about Tarot or other […]

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A Fairy and Some Thoughts on Crafting

It is time for a happy dance!  Over the weekend (yes, I am behind on my posting, why do you ask?) I put the final beads on Letters from Nora – H, also known as the H fairy and Heather.  She has turned out so beautifully thanks to the help of my nsLNS owner’s advice […]

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