Okay, I know I’ve posted this before, but I’ve been lazy. (See, I’m admitting it.) Does anyone know of any good Wiccan/Pagan forums, Yahoo or MSN groups? I’m hoping for some place with a low amount of fluff and a good amount of posts.
Okay, I know I’ve posted this before, but I’ve been lazy. (See, I’m admitting it.) Does anyone know of any good Wiccan/Pagan forums, Yahoo or MSN groups? I’m hoping for some place with a low amount of fluff and a good amount of posts.
I'm a mom, wife, needleworker, knitter, wannabe writer, and most of all a spiritual seeker. I'm not sure yet what I believe, but I sure as heck know what I don't believe.
I blog about my adventures in needlework, knitting and other crafts at Stitching Lotus.
Mystic Wicks is good, but I find that I don’t always feel free to express my opinion. Luna Stella is also good, it’s still very small so there aren’t a great number of posts.
I helped found Mystic Wicks and left after a year because of the forum ownership’s board policies. Now I run my own board: http://www.refoojeez.com/jeez/index.php?action=8&webtag=tmg Low fluff ratio and I don’t allow people to flame, either.