Resolving to Make Resolutions

I’m taking this whole resolution thing pretty seriously right now. The realization that I accomplished almost none of my 2010 goals is pretty shocking.  Even if you take into account my crafting related goals, I only accomplished three and a half of my goals. (The half comes from the fact that did do Tarot readings every day for about the first eight months or so of the year, but then I kinda started to forget to do them…)

Now, if I had only made four or five goals, that wouldn’t be too bad. But I made a lot of goals, and nearly all of them should have been achievable. But I didn’t achieve them because:

  • I didn’t have a plan.
  • I was too easily sidetracked by shinier, more exciting seeming projects.
  • I’m way lazier than I like to admit.

So, instead of admitting defeat, I thought I would do a little bit of research into getting resolutions and mid-term length goals. What did I learn: You gotta have a plan if you want to succeed.

Planning, eh? Well, that isn’t my strong suit. I’m all about waiting for the perfect day to start something. Waiting until I can put together the perfect plan. And, all of that waiting generally comes to naught. Remember how I was so gung-ho on loosing weight? Yeah, I haven’t made any progress (I may have even gained some weight).

No plan = no results. The problem is, I just don’t know how to plan.


2 Responses

  1. Gen says:

    Make a goal, list the steps to get to that goal, then follow the steps. I don’t know for others, but for me, writing it down on paper, makes it more concrete, tangible, doable. I do find making small steps, will get you there, with less discouragement, good luck!

  2. gracie says:

    you are too funny!