Browsing the archives for the Me category

Taking Pride

I’m very slowly working my way through the first badge in [amazon_link id=”0811846350″ target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]You Can Do It![/amazon_link]. So slowly that I haven’t progressed much at all. I’m going to have to get my own copy, because there is no way I’ll be able to keep the library copy long enough! One of […]

What Went Right and Wrong

So, November NaBloPoMo didn’t go well at all. I think that sort of highlights a trend in my life: I often start out all gung ho about a new plan or goal, and soon lose interest or find myself spending all my energy on my next latest, greatest plan. My pile of started projects is […]


Sci-Fi and Fantasy Top 100

I was lucky enough to recently be given a Kobo by my husband. And, while I have never really given up reading (I currently average about four books a month), it has more than rekindled my love affair with a good book. Being able to have so many books at hand all the time has […]

Resolving to Make Resolutions

I’m taking this whole resolution thing pretty seriously right now. The realization that I accomplished almost none of my 2010 goals is pretty shocking.  Even if you take into account my crafting related goals, I only accomplished three and a half of my goals. (The half comes from the fact that did do Tarot readings […]


Six Word Memoir

You’ve probably heard for the six word memoir meme. The point, not surprisingly, is two sum up your life in six words. Of course, not to sound trite, it is much harder than it seems. If you need some inspiration or examples, check out this page at SMITH Magazine. Seeing as I’m wallowing in in […]

Retreating to Re-engage

I feel like I’ve spent the last few days wallowing in self-pity, even though there isn’t really anything wrong with my life. My biggest problems are the little man’s potential allergy to peanuts (testing will be done later this month), living in a nice condo instead of a house, and feeling creatively barren. Boo hoo […]

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The Pain of Friendliness

I’ve vowed to do some very honest self-examination this year, and it has already lead me to one big realization. I’m a very needy person. I suppose this seems a little odd, given how very shy and private I am. But there is this part of me that really needs to be loved, paid attention […]

No Resolution But to Find Myself

It is more than halfway through January, and I still haven’t come up with any concrete New Year’s resolutions. I guess at this point it is a little late. My one real goal, to lose weight, is off to a bad start too. And, really, all of this makes me more than a little sad. […]

Ignoring My Big Three

I have a sticky note attached to my calendar. It lists the three areas of my life that I think need the most focus. It has been on my calendar since March, and I move it to the next page every month. But, for some reason, I haven’t really done anything about any of those […]

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An Abundance of Stuff

I’ve start to see all of my possessions in a new light lately.  Not too long ago I saw all my cross stitch and knitting supplies (my giant stash) as representing potential. Now I see it all as demands, as things that I must do. And the amount of those things is just overwhelming. I […]

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