Browsing the archives for the Memes & Collabs category

Romance and Funerals

Oh, what a mix of topics! Actually, I’m combining the NaBloPoMo prompts from April 4th and 5th into one post because the prompt for the 4th wasn’t posted until after I had shut my laptop for the day. (Nothing like trying to force writing and creativity into a prescribed period of time. sigh) Yesterday’s prompt […]


Macabre Before Goth Made it Cool

I’ve decided to give BlogHer’s NaBloPoMo another go this month (Yeah, I did miss yesterday. Oops!). I was a bit disappointed, though, by this month’s theme being poetry. If there is one form of writing that I actually hate, it is poetry. There is just something about “clever” poems that make no real sense that […]

Catching Up after Nearly Giving Up

Well, so much for NaBloPoMo. I haven’t felt much like writing the past couple of days, and I let that get in the way of my goal. That, my friends, is why I will never become a writer. So, let’s get caught up on a couple of prompts. First: What is your secret (or not-so-secret) […]

Different or Not So Different

Day nine, and I am just too tired to write much of anything. I haven’t adjusted well to the time change (thankfully the little man has!), so I’m feeling extra run down this week. Anyway, today’s prompt is: When was the first time that you realized that your home was not like other people’s homes? […]

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Family Balance?!

Here I am, up way to early in the morning because the little man woke up and asked for something to drink. He was, of course, asleep by the time I brought it to him. And, again of course, I couldn’t fall back asleep. I love my little man, but sometimes I think he is […]

Music and Writing

Day three of NoBloPoMo, and I nearly forgot about it. This isn’t going well… Today’s question: Can you listen to music and write? What song did you hear today? Sometimes I can listen to music, but it has to be classical. If it is something like pop or 80’s, really anything with catchy lyrics, I […]

Last Meal

Day two of NaBloPoMo! Today’s question is: If you knew that whatever you ate next would be your last meal, what would you want it to be? At first I thought that I would like to have my favourite goodies. Maybe some tasty potato chips, some poutine, some pasta. You know, pig out on all […]


Six Word Memoir

You’ve probably heard for the six word memoir meme. The point, not surprisingly, is two sum up your life in six words. Of course, not to sound trite, it is much harder than it seems. If you need some inspiration or examples, check out this page at SMITH Magazine. Seeing as I’m wallowing in in […]

Tattoos and Death Clock

Some fun and interesting Pagan news – a woman with a blue crescent moon tattooed on her forehead finds it difficult to get a job. (The full story can be read inthe Elmira Star-Gazette.) Personally, I’m not surprised! Now, putting aside the fact that facial tattoos just aren’t a great idea (case in point a […]

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Pagan Speak: The Tarot and Me, Part 1

Pagan Speak February 2004 – Topic 1: Divination What are your favourite (if any) forms of divination? Tarot? Pendulums? Other Oracle Cards? Runes? Witch Stones? I Ching? Give us a little history behind your favourite oracle, why you like to use it, how often you use it, do you do readings for other people or […]