I would have to say (regardless of my past few posts), overall I’m pretty happy with my life. I may, on days where I have gotten a reasonable amount of sleep, even go so far as to say I am very happy. But, like Gretchen Rubin, the author of [amazon_link id=”006158326X” target=”_blank” container=”” container_class=”” ]The Happiness Project[/amazon_link], I think happiness is something that should be worked on and courted, especially when times are good.
I’ve read The Happiness Project twice, once with a bit of skepticism, and again with an eye to giving it a try myself. A lot of the book, and a lot of the posts on Gretchen Rubin’s blog, really resonate with me. So much so, in fact, that I’ve started making notes on what I want to build my happiness project around.
- Be Yourself – Gretchen’s first rule is Be Gretchen, and I think that is an excellent place to start. Of course, I won’t be Gretchen, I’ll be me. And to me that means…
- What you like is what you like, and realize it is okay to want to like things but still not like them
- Going cold turkey works best for me
- Get lots of sleep, even it means no stitching/knitting/reading (wah!)
- Detailed to do lists are just too complicated for my life
- If it will take less than 5 minutes, just do it
It is just a start, but these are a few solid observations about my life (and what I keep trying to do wrong), that just might make me a little happier.