Browsing the archives for the Site News category

New Year and New Goals

Well, goodness. It’s been ages since I’ve posted and, as I’m sure you have guessed, lots has happened. My focus has been on my needlework blog, and this blog has surely suffered because of that. However, now that Stitching Lotus is so pinpoint focused on needlework I need a place for my other ramblings. Back […]

Happy Canada Day!

Happy Canada Day! The video below is a beer commercial from the 1990s. It is silly, but at the same time captures a bit of what it means to be Canadian. Check out my other blog, Reflections in the Pond, for another one of my favourite feel-good-about-Canada videos.

Happy Easter

Happy New Year!

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Merry Christmas!


November is a lot of things: Movember (which I can’t participate in for obvious reasons, and the husband can only grow a creepy Asian guy moustache that is likely to get him put on a sexual offenders list), NaNoWriMo (which I can’t participate in as I have a 3 1/2 year old child at home […]

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Happy Halloween!

Happy Easter


Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas