Browsing the archives for the Sabbats category

November Eve 2006

Blessed Samhain! This is probably my favourite Sabbat. The weather is beatiful–crisp and clear; the leaves are wonderful shades of yellow, orange and read; and ghosts and witches abound. Samhain (or November Eve) is a mirror of my other favourite Sabbat – Beltane (May Eve). While one celebrates fertility and action, the other focuses on […]

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Happy Autumn!

Blessed Autumn Equinox! Fall is here, the leaves are turning, and the nights are now longer then the days. In Wicca, this Sabbat similar to the secular Thanksgiving holidays (which is less then a month away in Canada, but about two months away in the United States). Wiccans take time to appreciate the foods that […]

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August Eve 2006

Blessed Lammas to everyone. I actually celebrate this Sabbat as August Eve, which means my celebrations should have been last night. Notice I say should. The heat here in Southern Ontario has been horrific, and yesterday evening I was in no shape to bake bread. Today the heat is even worse, possibly reaching a high […]

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Happy Yule!

Today is the Wiccan Sabbat of Yule, a celebration of the longest night and the return of the sun. Today, though, I am pooped. Unfortunately, my celebrations will have to wait a few days until I can do them justice. I would like to wish a happy Yule to all my Pagan readers. I am […]

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Blessed Samhain

Blessed Samhain to all my Pagan readers. A day late is better then not at all. Now that Halloween/Samhain is over, it is full steam ahead into the holiday season. The gift shop where I work (still!) has been slowing putting out Christmas items for the past couple of weeks. And, surprisingly, people have been […]

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Midsummer 2004

Either today or yesterday is/was the first day of summer, depending on which calendar I’m looking at. That means that it is the Sabbat of Midsummer/Summer Solstice/Litha. Now, quite frankly, this is my second least favourite Sabbat. I suppose that is a funny thing to say about a religious holiday, but I really dislike summer […]


Thank You!!

I just wanted to say Thank You! to everyone who left Beltane greetings for me. Today has turned out to be super busy and I’m heading out of town tomorrow, so I haven’t had a chance to go around and leave my own. You all have really lifted my spirits. 🙂 Thank you! :love:

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Quiet Beltane

Happy Beltane to everyone of the Pagan persuasion, and Happy May to those of you who are not. May is my favourite month. I’m not sure if it is because of my birthday (which I am becoming less fond of), or because the trees finally come into leaf, or because I can wear sandals! 🙂 […]



Yesterday was Lammas (also called Lughnasadh). It is the first harvest festival of the year. While all Sabbats are special, it seems to me that this is one of the least celebrated and discussed. But after saying that, did I celebrate it last night? Nope. August 1st snuck up on me completely. quanta is out […]